Arturo Cuya

Ready to level up?

Become a Modern Roku Developer

Every week I'll send you cutting edge advice and actionable tips about modern Roku development. State-of-the-art knowledge that you won't find anywhere else — For free.


SceneGraph FlexSceneGraph Flex

A flexbox component for Roku Scenegraph Applications


A CLI tool to quickly scaffold Roku apps using the best practices

Roku AnimateRoku Animate

Define Roku Scenegraph animations through a simple config object

About me

Hi — I'm Arturo Cuya. I help Roku developers improve their skills and modernize their workflows.

Have you ever felt that you're navigating the Roku development waters all alone? Searching for cutting-edge advice, modern concepts, but finding nothing?

I've been where you are and realized there's a huge gap in the online education space around Roku development.

Beautiful interfaces that rival Netflix or Apple. Modern architectural patterns like MVVM. Unit tests and automated UI tests. They are all possible in Roku.

That's why I've decided to share my insights, discoveries and state-of-the-art techniques through this Newsletter.

The Modern Roku Developer Newsletter

Three UI Challenges That Keep Roku Developers Frustrated (And How To Overcome Them)

Discover effective solutions to the top five Roku development challenges, including implementing rounded corners, shadows, gradients, and complex animations, plus how to overcome scaling issues for a pixel-perfect UI.

My Lonely and Confusing Journey as a New Roku Developer (And How To Bring Confidence And Clarity To Yours)

Join me on my personal journey from struggling with Roku development, facing challenges with scant resources, to finding a vibrant community that changed everything.

Use This Beginner-Friendly Architecture To Navigate Between Screens In Roku

Learn everything about Roku screen navigation, from the basics to implementing a complete stack-based architecture, with our step-by-step guide designed for beginner developers.

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